The Greeks used the olive branch as a symbol of victory and peace. Long before the Greeks though, the Bible uses the olive branch as a sign that the flood had ended and that it was safe to re-inhabit the world.
What is the message of the olive branch? The Torah could have simply told us that the dove had returned with a branch in its mouth without specifying from what tree the branch came. Let’s dig a little deeper.
The ancient Jewish sages made the following comment: “Better let my food be as bitter as an olive from the hands of God and not as sweet as honey from the hands of flesh and blood.”
Placing our faith in God is far better than placing faith in man. You may be promised all the honey and sweetness in the world but ultimately the promises and guarantees of man are not trustworthy.
When placing our faith in God there are times when it is very bitter and difficult. We may not understand why certain things are occurring yet ultimately the bitterness that we may taste is, at the end of the day, the sweetest thing in the world.
After the flood when they are about to rebuild the world, along comes the dove and teaches them this message. They fail to absorb this message and unite for the purpose of building the Tower of Babel to rebel against God. Ultimately this leads to their dispersion.
For any society to succeed, trust must be placed in God and His promises of peace. While we may be tempted by the honey of man, it is the olive branch of God that holds hope for mankind to usher in an era of true peace and satisfaction.
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